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TAG >> summer
( 9 Articles Found )

5 podcasts to binge this summer before you go to college

Watching the same six shows on your Netflix queue during your holidays is so passé. Podcasts are the way to go this summer.

How to craft a compelling personal statement

In the fifth of her 12-part series, Katherine Ernst Mehta talks about how to write a really compelling essay, which can make help distinguish your application.

Documenting what you've done: the resume and digital portfolio

Summer is a great time to relax – and to jumpstart your college applications. In the 4th instalment of our 12-part series on US college admissions, we discuss how to document your achievements

6 Books You Should Read Before Going to University

An education isn’t just academics, as Mark Twain said. Here are 6 books every student should read before heading off to university.

4 great podcasts to tune into this summer

Whether you're prepping for college, making your way through it, or are a graduate - these podcasts can help you make the best of your time.

Calling all high-school students! Apply now for Arizona State University's robotics and tech summer program

This is your opportunity to prepare yourself for the future - by learning about cutting-edge disciplines such as AI and Robotics from experts at ASU.

Thinking of studying in the US? Make the best of your summer now

This is the first of a 12-part series on applying for undergraduate studies to US schools and colleges. The series is published on the first Friday of every month.

Looking for a Great Way to Spend Your Summer? Learn a Foreign Language

One of the best ways to spend your summer, or any season really, is to learn a foreign language. BrainGain magazine tells you why and where you should do so.

Opportunity in Germany for young journalists

The European Youth Press covers your travel and accommodation, while you cover a global media event.



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