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Announcing BrainGain Magazine Essay Competition Winners 2018

We received many great entries which made it tough to pick the top three essays. Congratulations to our winners!

Demystifying The College Essay

Scared of those college application essays that must be written if you're applying to university abroad? Start early, write numerous drafts, and choose a topic that allows you to talk about yourself, advises University of Chicago rising freshman Hassaan Ejaz.

Announcing the BrainGain Magazine - Care for Air Essay Competition Winners

We received many great entries which made it tough to pick the top three essays. Congratulations to our winners!

How to write a unique law school essay

The essay shouldn’t necessarily be a “Here is why I want to be a lawyer essay,” but there should be some indication as to why you are interested in a legal career. Tell the admissions committee something about yourself and your life. Use prose to draw readers in and keep them interested, says Derek Meeker, a senior law school consultant.

How a great essay got a high-school senior into 5 Ivy League schools and Stanford

Find out what kind of writing gets you into schools where acceptance rates are as low as 4.7%

Book Review: College Admission Essays For Dummies

This is a thoughtful guide to writing a winning college admission essay.

5 amazing poets that you need to read

They’re all women. And none of them are Rupi Kaur.

How to Be Yourself for Your College Essay

Writing your university application essay doesn't mean creating crazy extra-curricular experiences - just be yourself - says Yale University rising freshman Sonali Chauhan.

New components of the US university application

Increasingly, US universities and colleges are trying new ways to get to know prospective students. Here are some tips to approach the video essay, diversity statement, and other new components.

Braingain Magazine Essay Competition Winner

Earlier in the year, we asked our student readers to write their interpretation of this quote: The direction in which education starts a man (person), will determine his future life – Plato, The Republic. Here's what followed...

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