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( 8 Articles Found )

Chicago Booth School of Business Heads to Hong Kong

The University of Chicago's Booth School of Business relocates its Executive MBA Program to Hong Kong, from Singapore.

5 great courses on Environmental Science

With events like World Environment Day highlighting the need for sustainable development and ecological preservation, careers in Environmental Sciences are emerging as an interesting option. Here is a list of 5 great degrees in the field.

How to Apply for a Student Pass to Singapore

BrainGain magazine brings you 3 basic steps to get you started with your student pass application to Singapore.

A Liberal Arts Degree in Singapore

Fancy a wide-berthed education in Singapore - with academics from renowned global educational institutions teaching you? Take a look at Yale-NUS College.

Lawyer, Lecturer, Author: 9 Questions with Krishna Udayasankar

A diverse career path precedes this writer, who is now best known for authoring the first in what is to become a series of mythological fantasy books – The Aryavarta Chronicles Book 1: Govinda.

World Teachers' Day: Why should you learn to teach?

On World Teachers' Day, we think about why teachers matter.

New global executive MBA program for health care and life sciences professionals

The 18-month degree program, launched by the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, begins in 2018 and will be divided between Toronto, the San Francisco area, and Singapore

Steps for Applying to INSEAD for your MBA

The third round of INSEAD applications is coming up on the 25th July, 2014. This means that if you’re applying to the institution for a January 2015 MBA programme start, then you better make sure you’ve got all your steps completed!



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