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( 47 Articles Found )

Trump Revises Travel Ban, but US Schools Fret Over Damage

The White House may have removed Iraq from the travel ban list, but the heart of the executive action is intact reflecting a hardening of immigration policy.

Harrisburg University Offers Full-time Scholarships to Gamers

Sixteen students are awarded full academic scholarships by the leading American STEM university after tryouts for players from around the world.

9 Questions on Machine Learning and NLP with a Senior Engineer at Google

Natural Language Programming, along with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, is a buzzword today. What are its challenges? What is it's future? We spoke to a senior engineer from Google.

31 Indian students in New Zealand win excellence awards

These students are pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate study in fields releated to business, design or science and technology, engineering, and mathematics

Meet Kavya Kopparapu the 19-year old Harvard student who just won $10,000 for brain cancer research

Her deep-learning computer system, GlioVision, is patented and ready to start testing this year.

STEM in the USA - Key Attraction for Graduates Across the Globe

The preliminary report of the Council of Graduate Schools looks at major trends in USA’s education. A brief survey.

Foreign student applications to US colleges up despite Trump policies

Freshman applications from international students to major US colleges for the next academic year remain intact, but the future looks hazy.

5 simple tips on how to prepare for the GRE

The GRE is a key requirement for most postgraduate programs. How can you ensure the right scores? Here are 5 simple tips.

Australia showcases its best in the AIBX Study Australia Masterclass Series

A number of Australia’s best minds participated in the online series focused on Health, STEM, Management and Information Technology.

Maryam Mirzakhani, the genius in the Mathematics jungle

Educated in Iran and the US, this Stanford University professor blazed a trail for women in Mathematics.

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