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( 27 Articles Found )

Indian computer science students in Canada build a bot to ease the visa application process

Ruhi Madiwale and Dhivya Jayaraman discuss how they created their product, the support they’ve got from Dalhousie University and the local government, and how studying abroad has changed their lives.

7 Qs with University of Canterbury's Vice-Chancellor Dr. Rod Carr

BrainGain magazine spoke to Dr. Rod Carr, Vice-Chancellor, University of Canterbury. Below are edited excerpts from the conversation.

The End of Jobs: Money, Meaning and Freedom by Taylor Pearson

This book is a must-read for Millenials as technology is threatening traditional jobs, while making entrepreneurship safer and more profitable.

'Creative destruction fits well with the spirit and nature of our work'

Engineer, economist and business studies professor Ajay Agrawal explains how the University of Toronto’s Creative Destruction Lab helps campus innovators commercialize research breakthroughs.

"Everything We Do in Class Will Need to Have a Real-World Implication"

Sandy Hooda, Co-Founder of Vega Schools, spoke to BrainGain magazine about education, evolving classrooms, and the future of jobs. Read more below.

Book Review: #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso, published by Penguin

Nasty Gal founder Sophia Amoruso's business book is for millennials who don’t go to Ivy League schools but dare to dream big.

Stanford "Gunners" Earn More Than Other MBAs

Stanford's business school ranks second in the US, but its new grads consistently out-earn their peers.

Do You Want to Be a Social Entrepreneur?

The DO School has partnered with H&M, Germany, to launch the Fellowship Program for Social Entrepreneurs. The deadline for applications is on 11th Feb 2016.

Interested in studying abroad? Register for our Information Session now

BrainGain Magazine is hosting a free information session on studying abroad. If you're a prospective international student, you need to be there!

What it takes to study nanotechnology

March 07, 2025 |
Professor Ted Sargent is Vice President – International, at the University of Toronto, Canada, and a professor in the university's Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. In an exclusive interview with BrainGain Magazine on Monday, March 27, 2017, he spoke about how he became interested in nanotechnology, how nano devices are created, and why engineering students should think like both engineers and entrepreneurs. Prof. Sargent also spoke about the role that students play in cutting-edge research, the value of a PhD in today's job market, and the academic, geographic and financial benefits of studying at the University of Toronto.

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