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( 4 Articles Found )

What does it take to be a topper? Q&A with Shivang Singh

Shivang Singh, NCR topper of 2017, and alumnus of the KWHS summer programme, talks about his daily routine, the importance of extracurricular activities, and why everyone needs to chill.

How the University of Chicago is helping fix Delhi air pollution

The University’s Energy Policy Institute joined hands with Indian authorities in an innovation challenge to address environmental issues

How will technology impact student learning

Mr. Siddharth Maheshwari, Director of Amity Future Academy talks about the goals and benefits of technology in education.

Delhi exam topper shares study tips

March 04, 2025 |
Shivang Singh, a class 12 student of the Scottish High International School, Gurgaon, ranked second in Delhi and the National Capital Region, in the ISC exam, scoring 98.75% in science. He has a full scholarship offer from Hong Kong University. In a Facebook Live session on June 9, 2017, he chatted with BrainGain Magazine's Skendha Singh about the secrets of his success, his exam-time stress-busting strategies, and his future plans. He also offered some tips for students and their parents, and talked about the lasting impact of his participation in 2016 of the Knowledge@Wharton High School Global Young Leaders Academy at the University of Pennsylvania.



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