Technology and education have come to be a fertile mix gradually transforming the face the learning, both for the individual and the institution. The Director of Amity Future Academy, Mr. Siddharth Maheshwari, spoke to BrainGain Magazine about the changes underway in school and university education.
Below are edited excerpts:
What defines the classroom of tomorrow? What does it look like?
The classroom of tomorrow intends to evolve with technological advances, and embrace the approach of personalized quality learning and outcome-driven education. It will incorporate concepts of global collaboration, individualized learning, simulations, AI, life-long learning, mobility, and immersive learning. The future classroom should be a democratic space built on maximum dissemination of knowledge, access, and transparency. Usage of AI, deep learning and data-driven approaches will contribute to a more learner-specific design of teaching, adapting the system to the learner instead of integrating the learner into the system.
What is education 4.0?
Education 4.0 has a deep focus towards a sustainable, global, and collaborative approach in sync with Industry 4.0. Disruptive technologies with immersive experience will change the way we live and learn in the future. The growth of technological stewardship will encourage learners to acquire essentials skills like adaptability, learnability, and agility
We hear the words – interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary often. Are they relevant in the world outside university walls?
In today’s era, not only is a graduate expected to have absolute knowledge of their disciplines but also to multitask with everything going on around them. The world exists in a harmonious chaos with an amalgamation of sciences. It has been a good old saying that the ideal should be “Jack of all trades and master of one”; which clearly tells us that a person needs to have sound knowledge of their elected disciplines, but should also inculcate the basic ideas of other disciplines.
Personalised learning and scale – Indian education needs both. How can we meet both challenges without compromising on either?
With the advent of ICT in education, scale, and personalization of teaching-learning has become easy to achieve. Nowadays, universities can reach all the sections of society through online learning platforms and hence scale up their assistance to students. Also, the contents can be curated as per the level of the learners in these platforms, which give personalized or tailored learning experiences to them.
In the present knowledge economy, India cannot stand to compromise either on personalization or on scalability. By using technology, learning can be supported on individual basis while scaling usage. These days majority of the learning contents can be digitized and shared over learning platforms, which can be accessed on any smart devices around the globe. Research also says the “New Millennium” learners are highly tech-friendly and are ready for online learning.
Amity is overcoming these challenges by leveraging these online tools to maximize its global reach and also digitizing the study materials to deliver knowledge to every nook and corner of the world.