It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and anxiety around Fresher’s Week. Exciting because you’re independent at last and anxious over whether you’ll cope!
There are all kinds of hurdles you have to jump over in those first few days, and that’s before you face the rigours of day-to-day life as a new student. Luckily for you our ultimate guide is at hand, to give you some pointers before you take the plunge. Follow these tips for as stress-free a week as possible.
We’ve divided it into 5 sections. ‘F’ is for ‘Fresher’, but it also means a whole bunch of other stuff too. For example…
1. Finance
Unless you’re fortunate enough to be loaded, student life is going to be tough financially. And you’ve got to keep a close eye on your incomings and outgoings. This tip’s a lifesaver. Start saving as early as possible. Once Fresher’s Week kicks off you’ll have too much on your mind to think straight. Be prepared!
A good way of doing this is by learning to budget. Having an overview of your weekly spend is vital for getting a handle on your funds early on.
Educators still rely on books, even in this digital age. Brace yourself because they can be very expensive! Second-hand is a great option because you can choose the quality of your books (as good as new) for a fraction of the cost.
Another thing to be aware of is that travel costs will wreck your wallet! Make sure you’ve signed up for a 16-25 Railcard to cut a third off your journeys.
2. Fitness
If you haven’t worked it out yet, students spend a lot of time eating badly and going down the pub. No exercise routine? Now is the perfect time to start one.
Now, we’re guessing that you do not want to fork out for a gym membership (although budget options are available). It’s far cheaper to work out in open spaces anyway.
Apps are a key ally in your fight against the flab. Free apps like 7 Minute Workout virtually put a personal trainer in the palm of your hand. Always do your research before entering an exercise program, especially if you’re new to the workout game. Read up before you feel that burn.
Why not start off slow by walking to places instead of catching the bus? There’ll be plenty of interesting things to visit during Fresher’s Week and get the blood pumping.
3. Food
Student diets aren’t renowned for their health benefits, so in addition to an exercise regime good food is important. It is what’s going to fuel your body after all!
Use your loaf, don’t eat one. Usean app such as Fit Men Cook, which shows you how to create tasty and nutritious meals, and best of all on a budget.
A top tip for saving money on food is to cook meals in bulk then keep them in the fridge or reheat leftovers. As long as you know the rules you’ll be fine AND full.
4. Friends
One of the most nerve-wracking things about Fresher’s Week is socialising. If you’re anything like us you’ll be dreading it. It takes guts to walk up and introduce yourself!
Take a deep breath. Despite your self-consciousness, it’ll be a lot easier if you just go for it. Remember that many of your fellow Freshers will feel the same way you do.
We’re not saying there’s no pressure, or that there won’t be times when you might make a fool of yourself. But this is your opportunity, so you should grasp it.
5. Freebies
The great thing about Fresher’s Week is the sheer range of free mingling opportunities. There’s lots of free events and things like clubs to sign up to.
Here’s the best part. Your passport to a world of freebies and major discounts is an NUS (National Union of Students) Card, which was recently rebranded as TOTUM.
Plus you can search online for student deals for zero cost via a range of websites.
We wish you all the joy of university life, fresher’s week and beyond!