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A child may be born into a family of a moderate or considerable financial standing. Irrespective of this status the child gets his earliest education through his parents, through books but also by being taught the ways of living a life. He imbibes the life patterns from his immediate family circumstances. If a father is addicted to drugs or drinks then the son will follow his father because he will not be in an environment of acquiring good manners, and hence will spoil his future life. However an exemplary life led by the parents positively influences the child.
By seeing the children’s behavior and manners, people get to know how his/her future will be. If the child abuses or argues with elders and shows himself as a spoiled brat, then of course people will say that he will not succeed. However if he studies with keen interest, helps others, doesn’t abuse, gets good marks, inthis situation the people will admire him and predict that he will succeed in his life and will make his parents proud and will live happily, earning respect from the whole world.
Education doesn’t mean studying from books but learning from the environment one is in. If a person learns and is inspired from things around him he can freely lay foundations for a successful future life whereas if a man adapts himself to a negativeenvironment, he will not be able to learn anything beneficial. So it is education and the right education at home and at school which gives shapes to his ideas and lays firm foundations for his career.
According to Swami Vivekananda “Education is manifestation of perfection already is in a man”. It means that education helps a man to evolve his inner qualities which lead to achieve his goals. Education thus nurtures the plant of interest in aman to work hard and secure his future and education even takes man on the path of knowledge where a man learns a lot. If the path of knowledge is without mentors and teachers the man would not succeed that is why there is teacher for everyone to take him on the right path where the person is comfortable and work hard to achieve the goal which he or she has aimed for.
Teachers are thus the beacons of light that brighten the paths of life with the light of education and help the child to evolve as a person with integrity, character, intelligence and the power to make the right decisions. They will equip the child with education that enables one to choose wisely.
Education thus is the soil that nurtures the garden of childhood, providing it the firm and nourishing foundation to grow gaily and happily. It is the life giving force which inspires and motivates the individual to do his best. It is of course not about being a doctor or an engineer as most of the parent seems to think is the epitome of being educated. The right education instead enables the child to realize his potential and select a career according to his abilities. It inculcates in one the qualities of loves, compassion and kindness. It differentiates man from animals and most definitely gives shape to his life. It determines not only the direction of his life, it also ensures that the society and the world gets an individual who through his wisdom can influence others positively and motivate others to become better citizens in a better world.
In January, we ran a competition for all you students to enter - the first prize was a Samsung Galaxy Tablet - and the response we got was fantastic! Thanks to everyone who entered - and we look forward to your participation in our future contests - so keep an eye on our site!
The essay contest asked students aged between 16 and 18 to interpret a quote from the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, who said "The direction in which education starts a man [person], will determine his future life."
Now you can read what our winning contestants wrote!