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TAG >> postgraduates
( 3 Articles Found )

How to choose a university in 3 easy steps

COVID-19 has changed the world as we knew it. However, choosing the right college or university is as important as ever. BrainGain Magazine is here to help.

Stanford launches new institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence - Vishal Sikka, Sam Palmisano & Eric Schmidt on board

Vishal Sikka, former CEO of Infosys, Sam Palmisano, former CEO of IBM, Marissa Mayer, former CEO of Yahoo, Eric Schmidt and other industry leaders are on the advisory board.

Calling Indian graduates: applications now open for University of Southampton′s GREAT Scholarships 2019

The scholarships will cover full tuition fee for select postgraduate programmes in Luxury Brand Management, Entrepreneurships, Actuarial Science, Data Science among others.



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