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( 11 Articles Found )

Trump's election victory - what you should and shouldn't worry about

With US campuses in turmoil in the wake of an acrimonious election, universities and students are concerned about hate crimes and budget cuts

From defying the Taliban to studying in Canada: Afghan refugee shares her story

The teenager who once risked her life to study in secret in Kabul can now spend hours in the quiet study area of the University of Toronto’s Robarts Library.

Trump win unnerves Indian students as backlash rocks US campuses

US college campuses are being rocked by anti-Trump protests and growing incidents of hostility against foreign students and minorities.

Ambedkar Abroad: A Tale of Opportunity, Brilliance and Grit

B.R. Ambedkar was given a rare opportunity which most Indian students depend on, even today – a scholarship to study abroad. He went on to make the most of it, excelling at the best universities in the US and the UK. Here is a brief account of his student life and how it made him the man he became.

Here is Why International Students Are Important to the US

Domestic enrollments are sliding down even as international enrollments in the higher education sector are scaling up. What are the causes and the consequences of both? Read more below.

Surge in interest in Canadian universities after Trump's win

College applications from foreign students are up ahead of a key January 2017 enrollment deadline at major Canadian universities.

"We were grateful to have him back"- A parent talks about the impact of COVID19

What is it like to be a parent waiting for your child to return home as a disease sweeps across the globe, closing borders and flooding hospitals? Here is a first-person account.

Donald Trump settles Trump University fraud cases for $25 million

Over 6,000 Trump University students will finally get their money back from US president-elect Donald Trump's now-defunct real estate school.

Political science research on the economics of jihad

March 04, 2025 |
Dr. Aisha Ahmad is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto Scarborough, the Director of the Islam and Global Affairs Initiative at the Munk School of Global Affairs, and a Senior Fellow at Massey College. In her book “Jihad & Co.: Black Markets and Islamist Power”, published last month by Oxford University Press, she argues that jihadists rise to power by exploiting local economies. But how does one interview smugglers, merchants, and extremists for one’s research in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Mali, and Lebanon? Dr. Ahmad discusses how she did her field work, and shares some advice for students who are interested in doing political science research. She has worked on projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council and the Connaught New Researcher Award.

What is decolonizing the curriculum and why it matters

What is worth studying, and who gets to decide that? These are questions raised in the discussion around decolonising the curriculum. Read more below.

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