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TAG >> mental health
( 4 Articles Found )

Mindfulness: How Brown University is championing the cool trend

The Ivy League school's new Mindfulness Center will conduct and promote research on the impact of mindfulness on mental and physical health

Mental Health Awareness Month: 7 tips to manage your mental health in college

Being a college student can be overwhelming and strenuous on your mental health. These tips will help manage your mental health and make life a little easier.

5 Important Figures in Public Health You Should Know About

Public health impacts all of us in big and small ways. Here are 5 people who are impacting public health, and so all of our lives. Read more below.

Marijuana use by US college students climbs to 35-year high

The University of Michigan's study of college students shows twice as many now VAPE it despite warnings the vitamin E derivative in THC e-liquids may cause new lung disease.



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