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( 24 Articles Found )

University of Southampton invites applications for MSc in Sustainability

Have you always wanted to learn how to manage natural resources and contribute towards sustainable development? If yes, this new course introduced by the University of Southampton is just for you.

Apply Now for New Zealand's Elite Commonwealth Scholarships

The New Zealand Government is offering Commonwealth Scholarships to Indian students who will commence Masters and PhD courses in 2018. Find out more below.

US sees a 66% decline in enrolment for first-time Indian graduates

US universities are seeing a sharp decline in their biggest international markets – China and India, according to new data published by the Council of Graduate Schools.

A simple guide to higher education in France

What is the difference between a Lycee and a Grande Ecole? Are all degrees taught only in French? Which subjects are popular among international students? Here is your simple guide to French higher education.

Yale University offers a New Master's Degree in Systemic Risk

The first-of-its-kind, year-long specialized master’s degree provides a grounding in crisis prevention, systemic risk regulation and monetary policy

6 courses in tourism and hospitality management you must check out

Do you like to travel? You could get a degree in it too...

A simple guide to the higher education system in Germany

What’s the difference between a ‘university’ and a ‘university of applied science’? Can international students get scholarships? Do you need to know German? Do you need to take the GRE?

Scholarship for master's degrees in the UK

The deadline for the 2016 Goa Education Trust scholarship is May 15, and no, it’s not just for Goans

5 reasons why Hong Kong is a great study destination

Hong Kong is often overlooked by students planning to study abroad. But studying in the city-state has many advantages. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider the East Asian hub.

International students still keen to study in the US, despite political environment

A new survey has found that international students are still keen to attend US universities and colleges, although there are concerns about visa uncertainties and being unwelcome.

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