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( 17 Articles Found )

Apply now for year-long journalism fellowships focused on child development

Eight journalists will be selected for the fellowships, which include training and international reporting trips. Journalists in Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania can apply

The Student Journalist

Young Americans interested in journalism get a jump on their careers by graduating from high school or college already equipped with work experience and published articles, photographs, radio broadcasts or Web pages.

Scholarships available for masters in journalism in Europe

By the end of the two-year program, you would have lived in at least two European countries, and gained an international professional network

Going to J-School, At Columbia University

A great reputation and perfect location in the world’s media capital, makes Columbia University in New York one of the most sought after journalism schools in the world.

7 questions with S. Mitra Kalita, editor at the Los Angeles Times

The Indian-American journalist, whose team recently won a Pulitzer prize, has some great advice for students who aspire to media careers.

Columbia J-School has a $4.5 Million Scholarship Budget

Although studying at one of the worlds leading journalism schools can burn a pretty large hole in your pocket, it is without doubt an investment in the future. It equips you with top-notch training, exposure and skills in journalism ready for use in any context anywhere in the world.

Book Review: The Vanity Fair Diaries: 1983-1992

Tina Brown's turnaround of Vanity Fair chronicled in these diaries is the stuff of journalistic legend, a must read for students eyeing journalism as a career.

Opportunity in Germany for young journalists

The European Youth Press covers your travel and accommodation, while you cover a global media event.

Win a Frank Islam Fellowship to study journalism in the US

A mid-career reporter from India will spend six months at the Missouri School of Journalism and at the staff of a major US newsroom.

In Conversation with South Asian Journalists Association Founder, Sree Sreenivasan

The South Asian Journalists Association founded in 1994 has become the biggest networking group for journalists of South Asian origin in North America - we chatted with Founder Sree Sreenivasan for more on how it has reached such heights.

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