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( 7 Articles Found )

Trump win unnerves Indian students as backlash rocks US campuses

US college campuses are being rocked by anti-Trump protests and growing incidents of hostility against foreign students and minorities.

Foreign students in US at record high, China, India fuel boom

Twenty-seven percent of STEM students studying engineering in the U.S. are from India.

Career Contessa: How a Job Platform Helps Women Navigate their Careers

The career resource gives 1 million women access each year to even the people they need to help move forward and gain clarity about their careers

Foreign student applications to US colleges up despite Trump policies

Freshman applications from international students to major US colleges for the next academic year remain intact, but the future looks hazy.

Book Review: The Game Believes in You

This book is sure to excite and inspire educators, parents, students, video game aficionados, as well as provoke some passionate debate.

How to Win a U.S. Athletic Scholarship

There are over 138,000 sports scholarships in the U.S. and awards vary from a few thousand dollars to nearly $30,000 for one academic year.

Petroleum engineering graduates are the hottest commodity in the US

Being a petroleum engineer can mean traveling to far flung drilling and well sites to develop methods for extracting, producing and refining oil and gas.



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