Discover Studying Abroad
( 4 Articles Found )

'The pandemic has built the case for us and accelerated our plans of blended learning models'

RMIT Professor and smart systems expert, John Thangarajah, talks about online learning, cloud-based tools, and his vision of the future.

Students from Delhi, Nashik, and Noida win the Advance to Australia Video Competition

5 teams were declared the winners of the 2016-17 Advance to Australia Video Competition for high-school students on 10th April in New Delhi

Here's your chance to win a study trip to Australia!

Participate in a video competition for high-school students in India. If you're among the 5 winning teams, you, your teammate, and a teacher will get to visit an Australian university, all expenses paid

What's Cool in IT? 5 Questions with Dr. James Harland

Are you curious, creative and committed? Time for you to explore a career in IT.



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