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( 14 Articles Found )

How To Be A Master of All Trades: Q&A With Dr. Siddharth Saxena

BrainGain magazine spoke with Dr. Siddharth Saxena, a Principal Research Associate at Cavendish Labs, and Fellow at Jesus College. Here are edited excerpts from the conversation.

Thinking of doing an MSc abroad? Here are 5 great options in Canada

STEM fields are a great draw for international students. And Canada takes great pride in its scientific research and development. So, if you're looking to do an MSc abroad, here are 5 courses in Canada you should consider.

News of the NASA internship awarded to an Indian girl? Fake!

Leading news organizations failed to check the facts while reporting that NASA had selected an Indian girl for a programme at a centre that doesn’t even exist. An Indian student in the Netherlands investigates.

4 cool science podcasts you should check out

These fun and informative podcasts will feed your curiosity about the science of everything, from today’s top TV shows to fidget spinners to deep space

Scientists detect gravitational waves

A group of scientists has achieved a great breakthrough by detecting a phenomenon which was predicted by Einstein nearly a century ago

Understanding the importance of fundamental research when planning your career

Recently, University of Otago physicists achieved a major breakthrough after a decade-long effort. Here's what we can all learn from their accomplishment.

Science research funding for international undergraduates in Canada

If you're enrolled for full-time study in Canada, here’s a chance to work with doctoral scholars in Germany

Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science

Harvard University imparts insights and inspiration from the culinary arts to chemistry students through the massive open online edX course platform.

5 Questions with Soumi De: PhD Student at Syracuse University

What is it like to be part of the biggest scientific discovery in recent years? We mean the Gravitational waves, which Einstein spoke about a 100 years ago. Soumi De, PhD student, researcher and member of the LIGO group, spoke to BrainGain magazine about her academics, and research work at Syracuse University, as well as her future plans.

10 quick facts about world-famous physicist Stephen Hawking

On 14th March 2018, British physicist Stephen Hawking passed away. BrainGain magazine brings you 10 quick facts.

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