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TAG >> Katherine Ernst Mehta
( 12 Articles Found )

Making the best choice between your acceptance offers

So you’ve received the reward of all your hard work in terms of multiple admission offers from universities, and now have to make your choice. Katherine Ernst Mehta advises you how in the second of a 12-part series on U.S. College Admissions 101.

Thinking of studying in the US? Make the best of your summer now

This is the first of a 12-part series on applying for undergraduate studies to US schools and colleges. The series is published on the first Friday of every month.

Demonstrated interest - what it is and why it matters

In the eighth of her twelve-part series, Katherine Ernst Mehta talks about demonstrated interest and how it can increase your chances of being accepted by a US university.

School research - finding the right fit

In this concluding article of her 12-part monthly series, Katherine Ernst Mehta offers some great advice on choosing universities and colleges to apply to

Letters of recommendation - who, when, and how

In the sixth of her 12-part series, Katherine Ernst Mehta talks about how to get a recommendation letter that can take you one step closer to your dream school.

4 tips to ace the college interview

If a college or university invites you for an interview, don’t be nervous. In the tenth instalment in our 12-part series on US college admissions, we offer some useful tips to prepare

A guide to understanding standardized tests

SAT, ACT, IELTS, TOEFL… don’t let the acronyms put you in a tizzy! In this third instalment of our 12-part series on US college admissions, we explain what the tests do, and whether you need to take them

Documenting what you've done: the resume and digital portfolio

Summer is a great time to relax – and to jumpstart your college applications. In the 4th instalment of our 12-part series on US college admissions, we discuss how to document your achievements

What to do if you're deferred from your Early Action/Early Decision school

If a college or university defers your early application, you can still make it through in the regular application. In the 11th instalment of our 12-part series on US college admissions, we share helpful pointers on how not to let deferrals defeat you.

Admission plans and strategies: Early Decision, Early Action & Regular Decision

In the ninth of her 12-part series, Katherine Ernst Mehta discusses various admission plans for undergraduate students so that they can better plan their admissions process.

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