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TAG >> Gender Studies
( 8 Articles Found )

Meet Firebrand Social Activist: Bhairavi Desai

Rutgers University educated Bhairavi Desai, co-founded the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, to lead a diverse group of cab drivers in their fight for work contracts, health benefits and fair treatment.

Ex-Olympian and top academic Bruce Kidd on sport studies

Dr. Kidd highlights the need to understand discrimination in sport, discusses the main areas of sport studies, and offers advice for high school students interested in this field.

Here's What You Should Know About Mother's Day

Is Mother's Day another Hallmark holiday or something more? BrainGain magazine lets you in on the idea behind this special day. And gives you some suggestions on how to celebrate it.

Scholarship for LGBT rights activists for MA in development studies

The German NGO Dreilinden is offering the scholarship for an MA from the International Institute of Social Studies in the Netherlands

Take a Britney Spears 101 Class

Interested in gender studies? Spears scholars weigh in on why the pop princess should be considered a feminist icon.

London School of Economics gets Star Power: Professor Angelina Jolie

The Hollywood actress, who has long campaigned for women's rights, will teach a Master's course on the impact of war on women.

Why and Where You Should Study for a Degree in Gender and Economics

Gender and Economics is an important interdisciplinary field. Here we bring you 5 places where you can study it, and why.

Why do we celebrate Womens Day on March 8?

Spoiler alert: There’s more to it than flowers, flowery language, and sugary food



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