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( 5 Articles Found )

Engineer-filmmaker Rishi Bhilawadikar on riding the H-1B rollercoaster

The Indian techie who studied at Indiana University has made a movie exploring America's byzantine immigration rules.

4 short courses in film-studies you must check out

Fancy yourself a film maker but not sure you should go in for a degree? Here are 4 short-term courses that will give you a taste of the experience without burning a major hole in your pocket.

Why New Zealand is a great place to prepare for film and TV careers

Victoria Spackman and Gareth McGhie, who have a wealth of experience in the country’s film and television industry, share some excellent advice for students interested in creative careers

Book Review: Hidden Figures

The book chronicles the true story about the genius and tenacity of a team of African American women mathematicians who helped NASA soar.

"I’ve been all over the world and I know that Wellington is the best place to study and live…"

With movies like Thor: Rangnarok, Lord of the Rings, and Avatar to his credit, Shane Rangi is a stunt specialist at the top of his game. He spoke about Wellington, studying in New Zealand, and a film career.



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