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( 8 Articles Found )

Mark Zuckerberg's emotional speech to Harvard graduates

The Facebook founder made an urgent appeal to his generation, millennial to millennial to not only create new jobs, but create a sense of purpose.

Applying to University in the U.S.? Check Your Facebook!

Social media experts advise students looking to apply to university in the U.S., not to share anything of a religious, political or sexual nature on their social networking pages.

How to disinfect your news from the COVID19 infodemic

The misinformation is viral. Here are practical tips from the faculty at the University of Toronto to keep your newsfeed healthy.

All you need to know about your digital footprint

What is digital footprint and how you can manage it? And other questions.

Book Review: Lean In For Graduates

What better source of interview and career advice could there be than Facebook boss Sheryl Sandberg? This new revised version of her famous 2013 book is just for students

4 Powerful Steps for Your Digital Detox (And Why You Need One!)

You’ve heard no end of detox plans. Here’s another one. And it might be one of the most useful yet! Read on to know how you can detox your virtual self. And why it’s high time you should!

US Social Media Surveillance is New Normal for Foreign Students

The Harvard student blocked from coming to the US at Logan Airport could enter this week, but Uncle Sam’s social media scrutiny is here to stay.

Book Review: Your Happiness was Hacked by Vivek Wadhwa and Alex Salkever

At a time when students are addicted to technology, this timely book uncovers the dark side of technology and suggests how to use it mindfully.



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