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( 16 Articles Found )

College Board Needs to Stop Recycling SAT Tests

Asian test prep schools have exposed the SAT as vulnerable to leakages. Who is to blame?

The New SAT Test

The College Board has announced sweeping changes to its SAT college admission test - essays become optional and vocabulary becomes more common. Read on for more!

How to Find Your Best Fit College - Part 2

In the final part of this two part series, Ms. Lisa Jain, shares more factors for students to consider as they narrow down their university options before making a final decision.

College Board partners with Indian universities to offer full-tuition scholarships to India's most needy

The makers of the SAT, along with partner Indian universities, seek to universalize access to higher education.

Benefits of Taking the PSAT/NMSQT

Ms. Lisa Jain gives you many good reasons on why you should undertake the PSAT if you’re thinking of further studies abroad.

College Board launches the India Global Higher Education Alliance

The College Board has announced a host of new initiatives from a new Alliance between Indian and international universities to scholarships.

The New PSAT and Its Relevance to the SAT

A look at the new PSAT and why it’s so useful for those who intend to give their SATs.

College Board cancels June SAT, reduces international testing dates

The altered testing schedule is part of a number of measures intended to combat cheating and protect the integrity of SAT scores

This is how you can reduce the cost of studying abroad

A giant magnet to the higher-ed dreams of the Indian student, American universities require no less than a fortune to open their gates. But, is there a more dystopian(?) path to lessen the burden of financing such a dream? Hello, Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) by College Board!

Asians outshine Whites, Blacks, Hispanics in Math, Writing: SAT

Asians in America are brilliant test takers with great command over math and writing, but their White classmates have better comprehension skills.

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