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( 13 Articles Found )

SAT Scores in Asia Delayed Because of Cheating Probe

Fierce competition and a burning desire to study in the U.S. has led to cheating scandals that undermine the credibility of many Asian students.

5 reasons why Hong Kong is a great study destination

Hong Kong is often overlooked by students planning to study abroad. But studying in the city-state has many advantages. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider the East Asian hub.

China Closes Gap on U.S. Technology Lead

Ever since the US opened the door to Chinese and Indian students in the 1970s, hundreds of thousands have flocked to America to study engineering or science. Now these engineers are storming back to their home countries.

China is a more popular choice for Indian students than the UK

China has emerged as a more popular choice for Indian students than the UK, and more popular than Australia and Canada internationally. Here's why.

Top 10 international universities ranked according to graduate employability

The top 10 universities for employability are scattered across five different countries. Five of them are in the US - and no, Harvard isn't one of them!

′Students need to broaden their search beyond the top 100 and start applying to other countries′

Regional coordinator for university and career guidance in China and Hong Kong, John Yi Liu talks about how the U.S.- China trade war has impacted Chinese high school students drawn to the American dream.

ACT exam questions leaked by college prep program

Reuters discovers that ACT's Global Assessment Certificate program is riddled with fraud. Read more below.

Jack Ma eyes rural education as key to reducing poverty in China

China's Ma, who founded Alibaba, is renovating boarding school facilities through the Jack Ma Foundation to boost China's education infrastructure.

What Defines a World-Class University?

Professors of leading universities from the U.S., China and Russia say anyone wanting to establish a world class university must ensure that it is global, innovative, cost-effective and most importantly, offer a variety of useful programs for students.

5 things you need to know about China's Gaokao

The Gaokao is one of the toughest exams in the world. Find out more about it here.

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