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( 7 Articles Found )

Star Wharton Professor Kartik Hosanagar on Why Data Scientists Are in High Demand

An entrepreneur and writer, Hosanagar teaches a course called Enabling Technologies which offers a view on technologies driving the world.

All you need to know about Carnegie Mellon's new course for undergrads

With an expansive focus on ethics and social responsibility, Carnegie Mellon University has launched its first-ever undergraduate program in Artificial Intelligence. This will include using AI for social good, such as improving transportation, health care, or education.

Indian American whiz kids help US team to coast to first place in Math Olympiad

Indian talent is as omnipresent in the world’s most hardest and prestigious math competition for high school students as the Spelling Bee.

Carnegie Mellon University embarks on $2 billion education initiative

The bold "Make Possible" campaign will support educational initiatives across the institution, empower students and faculty.

Is Learning How to Code Worth IT?

Learning computer science and machine learning, which is broader than just programming or coding, might make more sense from a futurist perspective.

AI success:'s online deep learning courses are popular in India

Since its inception the San Francisco-based education nonprofit has attracted more than 100,000 students, scattered around the globe from India to China.

Why Artificial Intelligence Graduates Are in Red Hot Demand

Silicon Valley tech giants are trying to hire students who specialize in artificial intelligence from universities even before they graduate



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