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PhD Scholarships
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PhD Studentships in STEM Field for International Students at Open University in UK, 2018
Provider: Open University, One studentship
Study in: United Kingdom
Level: PhD
Award: Studentships cover tuition fees and a stipend of around £14,000 per year. This is a full-time three-year studentship and you would be required to live in the UK.
Deadline: Aug 10, 2018
Danish Diabetes Academy Co-Financed PhD Scholarships for International Students in Denmark, 2018
Provider: Danish Diabetes Academy (DDA), Up to 20 scholarships
Study in: Denmark
Level: PhD
Award: Each scholarship is of 1,100,000 DKK (covering salary and tuition fee) over a period of two years.
Deadline: Aug 09, 2018
EN-ACTI2NG RCI Early Stage PhD Fellowship for International Students in Germany, 2018
Provider: EN-ACTI2NG
Study in: Germany
Level: PhD, Fellowships
Award: The successful candidate will be employed under a contract in a full time position, and is strongly encouraged to embark on a doctorate in their host or associated institution.
Deadline: Aug 01, 2018
David Goldman PhD International Scholarship at Newcastle University in UK, 2018-2019
Provider: Newcastle University, One scholarship
Study in: United Kingdom
Level: PhD
Award: Cover 100% fees at the UK/EU (home) rate and an annual stipend (living costs) the equal to that provided by ESRC (estimated rate of £14,777 in 2018/19). International students will have to pay a top up in fees between the home rate and the internatio
Deadline: Jul 26, 2018
PhD Position for International Students at Anton Dohrn Zoological Station Naples, Italy, 2018
Provider: Anton Dohrn Zoological Station Naples
Study in: Italy
Level: PhD
Award: German university system and your salary will be according to the German TV-L 13 for a 50 % position.
Deadline: Jul 29, 2018
Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS) for pursuing masters and PhD degree for International Students in Malaysia, 2018
Provider: Malaysian Government
Study in: Malaysia
Level: Postdoctoral, PhD, Masters
Award: Each scholarship consists of Approved tuition fees, Air Ticket, grant for books and internal travel allowance etc.
Deadline: Jul 30, 2018
ISF Postgraduate Scholarships at University of Technology Sydney in Australia, 2018
Provider: Institute for Sustainable Futures, One scholarship
Study in: Australia
Level: PhD
Award: The successful candidate with not have to pay course fees and will receive a living stipend of $27,082 pa for full-time study (indexes annually).
Deadline: Jul 27, 2018
34th Cycle PhD Scholarship Programs for Non-Italian Students in Italy, 2018-2019
Provider: University of Naples Federico II
Study in: Italy
Level: PhD
Award: The annual scholarship amounts to 15.343,28 Euros, including social welfare charges.
Deadline: Jul 31, 2018
ACC Pan African Research College PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarship in South Africa, 2018
Provider: African Centre for Cities (ACC), Up to 18, PhD and Fellowships
Study in: South Africa
Level: Postdoctoral, PhD, Fellowships
Award: The value of the Fellowship is R300, 000 per year, and is renewable for a total of up to two and a half years (30 months), depending on satisfactory progress.
Deadline: Aug 06, 2018
PhD Position Advanced Quantitative Analysis of Molecular Oncology PET/CT Studies, 2018
Provider: UMCG Groningen, two PhD positions
Study in: The Netherlands
Level: PhD
Award: Your salary is € 2.279,- gross per month in the first year up to a maximum of € 2.919,- gross per month in the last fourth year (scale PhD). In addition, the UMCG will offer you 8% holiday pay, an 8.3% end-of-year bonus and a development budget.
Deadline: Aug 12, 2018
CBS PhD Scholarships in Accounting for International Students in Denmark, 2018
Provider: Copenhagen Business School
Study in: Denmark
Level: PhD
Award: A PhD scholarship runs for a period of 3 years, and includes teaching obligations equivalent of ½ years work (840 work hours). DKK 23.770 (app. 3,160 euro) up to DKK 28.964 (app. 3,860 euro) depending on seniority, plus a pension contribution totalin
Deadline: Aug 15, 2018
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships in Canada, 2019
Provider: The Government of Canada, Up to 167 scholarships, Up to 167 scholarships
Study in: Canada
Level: PhD, Graduate
Award: Scholarship is valued at $50,000 per year. Up to 166 scholarships are awarded annually: A total of up to 500 scholarships are active at any time.
Deadline: Oct 31, 2018
Prince of Wales Cambridge International Scholarship for New Zealand Students in UK, 2018
Provider: University of Cambridge
Study in: United Kingdom
Level: PhD
Award: The scholarship normally includes the University Composition Fee at the appropriate rate (either arts or science) and an annual stipend sufficient for a single person.
Deadline: Oct 01, 2018
RSHA Directors PhD Award at Australian National University in Australia, 2018
Provider: RSHA Directorate, two PhD scholarships
Study in: Australia
Level: PhD
Award: Two PhD Scholarships available ($27,082 p.a. stipend) in Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Research.
Deadline: Sep 12, 2018
IDRC Research Awards for Canadian and Developing Countries Students, 2019
Provider: IDRC Research Awards
Study in: Uruguay, Kenya, Canada
Level: Postdoctoral, PhD, Masters, Fellowships
Award: Salary for one year in Canada: CA$40,800-47,231; Monthly salary in Kenya: KSh 143,394–KSh 226,127.
Deadline: Sep 05, 2018
100% PhD Scholarship within the Faculty of Engineering at Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium, 2018
Provider: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Study in: Belgium
Level: PhD
Award: As an employee of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel your days will be spent in a dynamic, diverse and multilingual environment.
Deadline: Sep 04, 2018
PhD Scholarship in Science and Innovation Policy at CBS in USA and Denmark, 2018
Provider: Copenhagen Business School
Study in: United Kingdom
Level: PhD
Award: The scholarships are fully salaried positions, according to the national Danish collective agreement. The scholarship includes the tuition fees, office space, travel grants plus a salary, currently starting with per month app.
Deadline: Sep 01, 2018
PhD Position in Ecology at Umea University in Sweden, 2018
Provider: Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
Study in: Sweden
Level: PhD
Award: Salary: According to agreements for PhD students. A PhD education comprises 4 years full time studies (240 ECTS credits).
Deadline: Aug 31, 2018
Fully Funded PhD Scholarship for International Students at University of Groningen in Netherlands, 2018
Provider: University of Groningen
Study in: The Netherlands
Level: PhD
Award: The PhD student will be enrolled in the PhD Scholarship Programme and receive a scholarship of € 2,099 per month (gross) from the University of Groningen for a period of four years.
Deadline: Aug 30, 2018
Communication Studies Postgraduate Scholarships at AUT University in New Zealand, 2018
Provider: Auckland University of Technology
Study in: New Zealand
Level: Postgraduate, PhD
Award: A contribution of $6,000 pro rataor full PhD tuition fees.
Deadline: Aug 18, 2018
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