Always remember to check with each individual institution to make sure you have all the correct documentation together before applying.
Find out about the university – what are the areas of research available? Which division will you fit into?
Check the contacts for each division, and after seeing which ones you could potentially see yourself fitting into, then contact the department leads and discuss your interest and how you might apply.
For postgraduate research you often need to figure out your means of funding – start by looking through the university admissions website for scholarships and grants – talk to the admissions department for further ideas. Also check with the industry your research is involved with, often companies involved in that business will offer financial support for postgraduate students. International students from India can also look at Commonwealth Scholarships if planning to study in a Commonwealth nation.
Once you are sure that you have found the perfect place to go conduct your research, and are comfortable with the members of that department, then you need to fill out and send in your official application.
Don’t forget to make sure you have your CV fully updated, have your research proposal ready, academic reference letters (check how many you need - and remember to ask past professors who you believe will give you a glowing, relevant recommendation), as well as transcripts from your last degree.
You may be asked to do a face-to-face interview with your department head; be prepared to talk about your research and why it is useful.