Study, work or do research in Europe - Fully funded scholarships
What is EMINTE?
Erasmus Mundus |
Erasmus Mundus INdia To Europe (EMINTE) is a scholarship programme designed to fund academic mobility of students and staff of Indian nationality to Europe. The programme is part of a larger EU-programme (Erasmus Mundus Action 2) with the aim to promote institutional cooperation and mobility activities between Europe and other parts of the world.
Fields of study
You can apply for a variety of fields of study at the ten European partner universities.
For the complete list of available courses/programmes and positions, visit the
EMINTE website.
Prioritised fields of study within this project are:
Health, water and sanitation
Energy and infrastructure
Environment studies and natural resource studies
Social welfare
Education and teacher training
Who can apply?
The EMINTE scholarships are open for mobility for Indian nationals. Applicants must belong to one of the
target groups. Undergraduate applicants must have finished at least one year of study.
Target group 1
Nationals of India registered as students or staff at one of the partner universities.
Scholarships are available for academic/administrative staff and students/researchers on undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral levels.
Target group 2
Nationals of India registered at an Indian higher education institution that is not included in the EMINTE partnership, or having obtained an university degree or equivalent at an Indian higher education institution.
Scholarships are available for academic/administrative staff and students/researchers on master, doctoral and post-doctoral levels.
Target group 3
Nationals of India who are in particularly vulnerable situations, including scheduled casts/tribes, other backward classes and people with disabilities.
Scholarships are available for students on under-graduate, master and PhD levels.
How long is the duration of the scholarship
Undergraduate 1-2 academic semesters
Master 1-4 academic semesters
Doctorate 1-6 academic semesters
Post-doctorate 6-9 months
Staff 1 month
How and when do I apply?
The online application can be accessed via the project website. Read more about application procedures and requirements on:
Partner universities:
In Europe
Freie Universität Berlin - Germany
Lund University - Sweden
University of Amsterdam - Netherlands
University College Dublin - Ireland
University of Deusto - Spain
University of Leuven - Belgium
University of Ljubljana - Slovenia
University of Trieste - Italy
University of Warsaw - Poland
Uppsala University - Sweden
In India
Gandhigram Rural Institute
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Jadavpur University
Jawaharlal Nehru University
North Orissa University
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences
Tata Institute of Social Sciences
University of Kerala
University of Pune
Associate partners
Centre for Research & Education for Social
Transformation (CREST)
National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR)
Swedish South Asian Studies Network (SASNET)
Swedish Chamber of Commerce in India
Tibetan Children’s Educational Welfare Fund (TCEWF)
Scholarships for education, research and work in Europe
The Erasmus Mundus INdia To Europe (EMINTE) Scholarship Programme offers scholarships for academics, staff and students of Indian nationality. Students, teachers, researchers and staff will have the opportunity to study, teach or work at one of ten prestigious universities in Europe. The scholarship covers travel costs, insurance, tuition fee and living expenses.