Getting started with college applications can be intimidating. Timing, finances, academics, recommendations, there is plenty to be taken care of. And while the process can be exhausting, taking care of some basic aspects can help you build a solid application. Here are some tips that will help you during the process.
Research - There are plenty of options available to students in multiple countries, and it is important to research thoroughly. Factors like application deadlines, entry requirements, and English proficiency tests as countries have different times and criteria for applications and intake. Anuradha Gupta, Head Partner Engagement at Macquarie University (Australia) says, “There are no secrets to successful college applications. All information is available online, and it is easy to do your research. Keep your objective and timing of applications in mind while applying.”
Choose What Suits you - Every country and every university offers a different experience when it comes to academics, lifestyle, employment, and other variables. Thus, deciding what experience suits your requirements the best is crucial. Poonam Venkatesh, Regional Enrolment Advisor for India at Arizona State University talks about how to keep your requirements in mind while applying. “Applications are not entirely about universities, and more about what you want. Decide whether you want to go to college in a particular location, and if you want to attend a public/private/community college. You may also want to apply to only the top 20 or 30 universities for your subject. Entry requirements come into play after you have decided your preferred location or university”, says Poonam.
Focus on your Grades - Grades secured throughout school and college education remain the most important factor in college applications. Maintain consistently good scores, and present them well; check if your university requires your percentages to be converted to a 4-point or 10-point scale, and get your transcripts attested accordingly. Hasan Davulcu, Associate Professor at Arizona State University stresses on the importance of good scores for admissions. “Students need to score a minimum GPA of 3.0 or 3.25 to proceed to graduate school. Some courses also require students to have studied certain pre-requisite subjects in the past, and expect good grades in these subjects”, says Hasan.
Devote Time to SOP’s - A personal essay or Statement of Purpose (SOP) is a mandatory document while applying at most universities. SOP’s are the only part of your application that you can fully control, and giving it your time and attention can help your application stand out. “It’s a popular belief that you can just copy-paste information from the internet for your SOP as nobody is going to read it, but that’s incorrect and every single essay is read. The essay needs to highlight your motivation and reason behind choosing a particular programme or a university. If you are migrating from one field to another, like engineering to business, you need to explain the reason behind the switch”, says Anuradha.